Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Snoofles, sniffles and silly sickness

Day 3 of a bad immune system, and I fear I won't make it out with my nose intact. So much sniffly coldness. So much watery dopey eyes. So much constant desire for bed. 
       It's also the day before my end of the year exams, and I think if I crammed any harder I'd get lost inside my head along with all the formulae and phenolphthalein indicator. 
Cramming < structured studying, but cramming > failing. Such is maths in effect. The funny thing is, I've only studied for one of my 9ish exams (religion doesn't count), so I have much more cram to look forward to! 

*At present, my left thumb won't quit twitching, so typing is a heavy task to say the least*

Probably due to my sickness, back/shoulder/neck pain and stress of exams I have very little to say, unless it involves expressing how many I'd injure for a massage right now.

If only school exams consisted of my snuggling up in bed with my cuddlym'n and reading books all day, feasting on meringue and cheesecake... 

Mmm... Cheesecake...

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