All too soon that time did come, and my enjoyable but slightly mundane dreaming ended, as I was obligated to vacuum up non-existent dirt, whilst wrestling with irritating cables, and trying to balance the vacuum on each stair, and to dispose of all the fresh, warm clothes to their appropriate places of residence. (I promise I'm finished describing boring things soon.) After all these duties were finished, only a handful remained:
Tidy My Room
Now I have mentioned my mother in this post once before, briefly, and I shall do so again. This morning she was flitting off to her course, and tomorrow she'll be flitting off to Prague, for a weekend away, like the lucky duckling she is. I say "flitting" because that's what she does. My mummy flits. She's always in a busy busy rush, hence the quickness, and she's also a little lady, like myself, hence the littleness. Quick+little=flit, like a little birdy flitting from branch to branch, singing his songlings. As I was saying, she's flitting off to Prague, so I must pack, for I shall be residing at le boif's family home for the weekend, thanks to a kindly invite.
Usually packing is a tremendous difficulty for a silly little lady who never knows what she'll want to wear a day in advance, always has a messy room and can't find any of the clothes she wants to wear. Today's episode was different. It's summer! And along came the warm weather! And with the warm weather, out comes bright colours, skirts and long socks! I'm so accustomed to cold Irish weather that if it's sunny, I must dress nicely, I feel it's an insult to the day if I wear jeans.
After packing, I helped my mummy fill out a form, so we can hopefully (cross your damn fingers for us) be a host family for an exchange student. Within the form however, we had to give brief descriptions of each family member... I was summed up in a few words, one of which being the unfitting term 'outgoing', which I'm far from. Chatty and talkative I may be in the company of loved ones, but only when I have something to say, and usually, in that scenario, I'm silent up until I deliver a speech, or participate in a debate, and then resume my quiet state. The task got me to thinking about how difficult it is to sum up a loved one in a few words. The usual positive words such as 'caring', 'kind', 'funny', 'chatty' and 'honest' are thrown around very often in this context, but they never do much justice. They can't possibly paint a picture of the person, the way we know them to be, in all their uniqueness, because no word is unique. We'd need to make up a whole new word for each quality they possess in order to get it right. Words are too universal for changeable, sensitive creatures like humans.
The only obstacle left in my day was my disgracefully messy room. Clothes were strewn all over the floor and I had been avoiding properly tidying my wardrobe for a number of years. I proudly say 'had' in that sentence, as opposed to 'have', as I have finally tackled the outstanding issue. 2 black sacks, a cloakroom full of coats, and much hanging and folding later, I found my bedroom floor and could breathe again.
After a shower, and after trimming my fringe terribly as usual, here I am, completing my checklist.
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